Fundamental of Computer mcq online test -1

Question 1:Software refers to ?
A) set of programs
B) set of input device
C) set of output device
D) set of peripherial
Explanation :- set of programs
Question 2: The fuction of F4 key is ?
A) undo the last action
B) to repeat the last action
C) to the cut the last action
D) A and B both
Explanation: to repeat the last action
Question 3: The term Computer is derived from ?
A) Latine
B) German
C) French
D) Arabic
Explanation: Latine .
Question 4:Who is the inventor of Difference Engine ?
A) Allen Turing
B) Charles Babbage
C) Simur Cray
D) Augusta Adaming
Explanation:Charles Babbage .
Question 5: Who is the father of computer?
A) Charles Babbage
B) Allen Turing
C) Simur Cray
D) Augusta Adaming
Explanation:Charles Babbage.
Question 6: Who is the father of cmputer science?
A) CHARLES Babbage
B) Simur Cray
C) Allen Turing
D) Augusta Adaming
Explanation: Allen Turing.
Question 7: Who is the father of Personal Cmputer?
A)Allen turren
B) Edward Robert
C) Simur Cray
D) Charles Babbage
Explanation: Edward Robert.
Question 8: A CPU Contains?
Explanation:The CPU Contains Both control unit and Arithmetaice logic unit .
Question 9: The First Computer Were proogrammed using ?
A) Assembly Language
B) Machine Language
C) Source Code
D) Screen Saver
Explanation: Machine Language.
Question 10:Which Device Need for the internet Connections ?
A) NIC Card
B) CD Drive
C) Joystick
D) Modem

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